A happy family of 7

Once upon a time in the world of Human Territory, a happy family of 7 lived in a small village on a small island near a lake called Lakeside River.It was very quiet and peaceful and sunny at Lakeside River and the people who lived in the village would often ride bikes by the river in the sunshine. Well, that’s until ONE day…

The Lady Gaga music playing on the speaker got to loud and the happy*not really family got shot aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaall the way to -MARS,-the-GALACTIC PLANET -of-DUST!!!!!!!!But Blue,Orange,and pink were BADLY INGERED, and there was no medical care…

But they made a hut.They basically just made MARS their home…To be continued…


Total Idiom saves the day #2


Supa Eagle #1: The Villain (Puppet Version!)